Computer Recycling Houston

Computer Recycling Houston provides the full range of computer recycling services. We can handle any size project, and will go out of our way to custom fit a solution for your organization. Our full cycle approach ensures that all components are reused to their fullest capacity with no waste by product.


A Computer Recycling Houston representative will be there from beginning to end to ensure the highest return for you, the customer.

Do you have outdated computer equipment or components? We recycle any and all of the following:

Obsolete Computer Products
Monitors & CRT’s
Electronic Scrap Or Surplus
PC Boards
Scrap Metals
Electrical Switchgear
& Misc. Components

Have something that’s not on the list? Contact us, and we’ll try our best to accommodate your needs.


Computer Recycling Houston is a full service recycler. We recycle all types of computer equipment, as well as other electronic components. Our goal is to maximize returns to both the environment and to you, our customer.

Let us be your recycling partner.

We are committed to the environment and its preservation. In the past we have dealt with institutions, from large corporations to schools, who feel the same way we do. Any organization, big or small, who has old computers, computer components, or electronic components will benefit from our service.

Don’t throw your electronic “junk” away and contribute to our waste problem. Contact Computer Recycling Houston to see how we can help you, and make Chicago a better place to live for all of us.

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