It can be a scary world out there on the internet. You are exposed to viruses, security threats, identity theft, data breaches and the list goes on. Gmail is one of the most secure email servers and has the least exposure to threats when compared to other ISP’s. However, you can never be too sure and you need to frequently change gmail.com sign up password in order to prevent your account from getting hacked. Digital intruders use your passwords to get access to your account and all the information you have stored on it.
Even though Google does not make hacking an easy job, it is still possible. If you want to change your password, for your own security, you will have to go through a few steps which may not be as straight forward as you hoped them to be. You might find this slightly annoying, but it is for your own security.
Get a new: Gmail account
Step 1:
To start, open your favorite internet browser and go to mail.google.com. Once there, use your username and password to sign in to your Gmail account and get access to all the security options.
Step 2:
Once you have logged in, you will be shown your inbox page. On the top right corner of the page, you will see a small drop-down menu denoted by a gear icon. Click on it and you will see a list of options. Somewhere in the middle of the options, you will notice an option for “Settings”. Click on it.
Step 3:
Once your settings have opened up, you will see several tabs spread across your screen including General, Labels, Inbox, Accounts and Import, Filters, and so on. Click on the tab saying Accounts and Imports.
Step 4:
When you go to the Accounts and Imports tab, you will notice that top most option displayed under the tab is “Change Your Password”. Click on it.
Step 5:
Finally, you are where you want to be. You will see three empty boxes saying Current Password, New Password and Confirm New Password. Fill in all three boxes. When creating a new password for yourself, try to incorporate and many numbers, the mixture of capital & small letters and even symbols, as you can. The better combination you make, the more secure your password will be. Such password is difficult and almost impossible to guess.